
Monday, September 17, 2012

Vocab # 6
0. obsequious- obedient or attentive to an excessive or servile degree.
My dog is very obsequious only when he receives a doggy treat.

1. beatitude- supreme blessedness
Knowing my brother came back home safely from his trip up north was a beatitude for my family.

2. bete noir- a person or thing that one in particularly dislikes
All the "swagger kids" are a bete noir to parents since they are hoodlums.

3. bode- be an omen of a particular outcome
The little old lady is bode to her granddaughters out come of her situation.

4. dank- unpleasantly damp or humid
The dank room had an eerie feel to it.

5. ecumenical- universal
The college pertained ecumenical to all nationalities since they believed in diversity.

6. fervid- intensely enthusiastic or passionate
My mother was so fervid about her plants once a flower bud would come out.

7.  fetid- having a immense odor; stinking
My brothers feet had an immense fetid funk to it.

8. gargantuan- gigantic; enormous
There was such a gargantuan whale on the beach that had been dead for three days.

9. heyday- the stage or period of greatest vigor; success
Most successful peoples heyday is when they're at the peak of they're job.

10. incubus- a cause of distress or anxiety.
After my grandmother passes away, my dad had to deal with the incubus of the pain.

11. infrastructure- the basic; framework
The infrastructure of the family had to be strong so the family doesn't fall apart.

12. inveigle- to entice; lure (usually followed by into)
Old creepy mean tend to inveigle young girls to get what the man wants

13. kudos- honor, glory, acclaim
Kudos to my mother for getting a promotion at her new job.

14. lagniappe- small gift given to a costumer with its purchase; bonus, compliment
I received a lagniappe after purchasing a $100 worth of make-up from Mary Kay.

15. prolix- extended in length, long and wordy,
The writer got carried away and prolix's the introduction.

16. protege- a person under the patronage, protection,
The kings son was a protege for being so gifted as a pianist.

17. prototype- the original or model of which something is based or formed
The prototype of the ship was ruined once a colleague spilled coffee on the blue prints.

18. sycophant- self seeking, fawning parasite
The sycophant of a brother that I have managed to wiggle himself into a new government job.

19. tautology- needless repetition of an idea, especially in words other than those in the immediate context
Tautology is practiced by all high school students when they want to make themselves appear bigger then what knowledge they have.

20. truckle- to submit or yield obsequiously or tamely (usually followed by to)
The obsequious dog was acting truckled towards his owner.