
Thursday, October 25, 2012

tools that change the way we think..

Many people now own there own smartphones and have very equipped technology. Technology is very handy when it comes to finding something quick and easy. Something just straight to the point. Sure a quick fix answer is helpful, when in need. But we are slowly using less and less of our brains to do the work in finding the answers. we simply let a machine find it for us. We are not allowing ourselves to blossom into a full flower because we let things get in our way. I am gonna compare myself and my dad. our knowledge of the internet and of web sources are not at the same level. He is not as handy with computers and doesn't know how many sources there are out there on the internet. now whether they're safe or not...That's a whole other topic. I tend to find myself impatient when he is on the computer and wants to show me something that he found. He isn't as quick and to the point as I can tend to be. But his generation didn't have all the technology that my generation has. So of course it is all so new to him. I am also gonna compare myself with the babies that are being born today. These kids will grow up and will have technology surrounding them like crazy. I remember in first grade the LeapFrog was this cool new way to read books and to help us understand language. All of us kiddos found it supper cool and were so amazed by what that was. Well I now a days how much it has upgraded and I am amazed by how much LeapFrog has transformed. It was nothing like it is now compared to back then. I believe it is going to be something interesting to live through. How much technology we have and how the people will take it all in. Its pretty scary some to think of it.

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