
Tuesday, January 29, 2013

Dickens Map

1) In order to finish I am going to need to be reading like crazy so I can finish on time and be on track with class discussions. <--- I also found this cool site with info on Dickens and the novel itself! Helpful!

- Lines 23 through 28 are an example of..
  (Passage given by clicking on link)

- Why do you think this novel divided into three parts?

- What largely motivates Pip's struggle for social advancement?

- How does Estella appear to Pip in contrast to his visit to the prison?

- In the final chapter, Estella says to Pip: "Suffering has been stronger than all other teaching." Discuss the theme of suffering in this book—specifically how it instructs Pip, Miss Havisham and Estella.Read more:

3) Cutting up the novel into sections and just giving explanations on our blog, using remix or just simply write out a summary. movies are sometimes nice to watch but they do not share sufficient amount of information as the novel displays. 

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